This article gives some solutions if you are worried about your internet speed:

ACM does take into consideration that some of these solutions are not possible and a poor WiFi signal should not hinder your learning. If you are concerned, please speak to your tutor(s) directly.

You can always watch a recorded session after the event by clicking on the Panopto tab in the relevant Canvas course.

Any questions? Please send a message to [email protected] 

See below for related FAQ articles:

Zoom FAQ's
New to ACM? How to access your Zoom account
Zoom - How do I log in?
Zoom - I missed a Zoom lesson, how do I catch up?
Zoom - How do I make someone a co-host?
Zoom - What are the system requirements?
Zoom - Noise issues (echo)
Any issues, please contact the Digital Education department. You can reach us here: [email protected]